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An innovative, award winning learning resource used in grades 6-12 to engage, inform, and guide students.

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Inform Partners
Guide partners

2017 Education Technology of the Year

Research-based* best practice for helping students get engaged in exploring options and resources for life after high school.

*Impact Analysis of ChatterHigh in high schools conducted by the Canadian Career Development Foundation (2018)

Here’s How it Works:



ChatterHigh is used in grade 6-12 classrooms as a post-secondary & career exploration game. The daily quiz creates “hands-on” exploration of the information through a fun, question and answer learning process.  Content also includes labour market, health & financial literacy information.

US Higher Ed graphics- Queens question

Students assess their interest in the programs or occupations, and institutions and organisations, after each question, building an interest profile as they explore.  They unlock a personalized, objective recommendation report on post-secondary pathways, based on their interests.

student interests graph

ChatterHigh runs local and national competitions to increase engagement. Over $250,000 won by schools, $26,000+ for charity, and students also compete for scholarships.

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Approved post-secondary institutions, employers, industry associations, government and non-profits partner with us to develop questions to educate or build brand awareness in programs or resources. Content can also include labour market, health, safety, financial or well-being information. Each question has a link that takes students to specific pages deep into your website to research the answers. Students learn by doing,  and our quiz format is proven to work!

Students will learn about your programs and offerings in a fun and interactive way. We also help brand your college with a 300×250 banner ad that appears next to your quiz questions.

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Detailed reports show you the levels of engagement by school and grade.  A percent correct metric validates your campaign by indicating a level of absorption of the information.  Additional reports are available to provide levels of awareness and interest in your organisation and the program or occupation showcased.

university jan 2017- jan 2019 partner stats

You’re invited! Develop quiz questions about your university or college, educational programs, information on financial literacy, health, safety and well-being advocacy.


Contact us to learn more

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